Aftab Tower was bourne out of a need for quality purpose built office space in central Tehran. It was designed by a leading architectural team, implmented by the premier construction firm in the city, and is operated by a first class management team.
Hossein Sheikh Zeineddin, the managing director of Bavand Consultants, received his Master in Architecture from the School of Fine Arts of Tehran University, in 1967. Throughout his design career at Bavand, he has been responsible for constructing over 250 buildings throughout the world including many award winning projects. Zeineddin was a nominee for "Sixty Chosen Personalities in Sixty Years" by Tehran University's Architects Society in 2000, and was a juror for the Memar Award in 2009.
Aftab Tower is managed by the Maadiran Building Managment Service (MaadBMS). MaadBMS prides itself on it’s hands on, diligent, and customer centric approach to asset management. It invests heavily in it’s people, processes and technology, and provides dedicated teams that deliver the highest standatds of service efficiently and effectively.
MaadBMS currently manages multiple commercial, retail, and residential properties throughout Tehran, many of which are recognised as being prime properties.
The initial investors behind Aftab Tower consist of Maadiran Industries, a publicly listed company that still resides within the building. Ownership has since passed on to multiple private owners all of whom also continue to occupy space within the building.